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İhtiyaç duyacağınız tüm özellikler FAFB2B portalda.

Not just a set of tools, the package includes ready-to-deploy conceptual application.

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Quality Code

Code structure that all developers will easily understand and fall in love with.

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Continuous Updates

Free updates for the next 12 months, including new demos and features.


Start your project quickly without having to remove unnecessary features.

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API Ready

Just change the endpoint and see your own data loaded within seconds.

Excellent Support

An easy-to-follow doc with lots of references and code examples.

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Well Documented

An easy-to-follow doc with lots of references and code examples.



15.000 ton/yıl

Döküm Kapasitesi


Ülkeye İhracat


CNC Makine
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Frequently asked questions

Browse through these FAQs to find answers to commonly asked questions.

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Lemon drops chocolate cake gummies carrot cake chupa chups muffin topping. Sesame snaps icing marzipan gummi bears macaroon dragée danish caramels powder. Bear claw dragée pastry topping soufflé. Wafer gummi bears marshmallow pastry pie.

Dessert ice cream donut oat cake jelly-o pie sugar plum cheesecake. Bear claw dragée oat cake dragée ice cream halvah tootsie roll. Danish cake oat cake pie macaroon tart donut gummies. Jelly beans candy canes carrot cake. Fruitcake chocolate chupa chups.

Regular license can be used for end products that do not charge users for access or service(access is free and there will be no monthly subscription fee). Single regular license can be used for single end product and end product can be used by you or your client. If you want to sell end product to multiple clients then you will need to purchase separate license for each client. The same rule applies if you want to use the same end product on multiple domains(unique setup). For more info on regular license you can check official description.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis et aliquid quaerat possimus maxime! Mollitia reprehenderit neque repellat deleniti delectus architecto dolorum maxime, blanditiis earum ea, incidunt quam possimus cumque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sequi molestias exercitationem ab cum nemo facere voluptates veritatis quia, eveniet veniam at et repudiandae mollitia ipsam quasi labore enim architecto non!
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